Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas, the queen of the white house press corps, tells Jews to go back to Germany

Can you imagine if she had told Blacks to go back to Africa, or Mexicans to go back to Mexico! Apparently Anti-semitism is sheik.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I feel somewhat ignorant to the realities of the horrific impact that racism had on African Americans in the Jim Crowe south. However, i feel like as an observer to the history since that time, i wonder how some of the same leaders who were standing next to MLK when he was shot i.e JJ, cant see the destruction that their policies have caused. During the great migration of blacks out of the south to the factories of north during the late fifties and sixties, people moved to where economies were the most favorable. As the south was becoming hostile to its workforce, that workforce left. Fast forward twenty years to the mid seventies when the industrial factory cities of the north are hit by severe economic downturn. Virtually the same economic situation, yet blacks refused to move out of the inner cities to place where work was more abundant. This situation wasn't unique to blacks. Whites who were employed by large production factories were thrust into poverty as companies were insolvent but were anchored to their cities through unionization. Why is this? The only logical explanation is that the government enticed people to stay in economically unfavorable situations by instituting social programs that removed the fundamental need for self preservation. Through welfare other social programs the government paid people to remain in substandard economies. This seems so crazy to me.